“Then I heard the Lord saying, ‘I am going to show you something.’ Then I was in Washington, D.C. and I saw a tree with many roots. Some roots are bigger than others, and these roots attach with other trees in all the continents of the world. They are all over the continents, and some trees are feeding off this root from this tree in Washington, D.C…. the Lord spoke again and He focussed my attention to the tree and He focused my attention to the main root of this tree that is in Washington, D.C.. This root, which is the main root, was so deep that it reached all the way to the middle of the earth, It was shocking. It was scary, and I was told that this root has been growing and going deeper for a few hundred years. I was told not to be alarmed of this root, not to be scared, not to be intimidated. And I was told that it can never be uprooted by any means or anyone except the hand of God Himself. And I saw His hand upon this main root ready to pull it gradually and precisely. He then showed me the whole Earth…”
Now today we’re going to be talking about the acceleration of time as well as the importance of focusing on God’s way over our...
Every place Jesus went, and everything He did was ordained by God. We need to do the same in our own life. Lay aside...
In 2016, we cannot assume how God will or will not move. We have to set aside our expectations and pursue Him in His...