I really wanted to review with you guys some of the instructions that God has given us over the past couple of months. The reason why is because God has been telling us at Freedom Fellowship Church, and others I’m sure who are sensitive to the Spirit are hearing it as well, which is that in 2019 there are going to be manifestations and there’s gonna be a harvest like no other. The move of God that God is planning on doing here in this nation and here on the Earth, He plans for it to be a move that is so great, so miraculous, so amazing, that it will eclipse everything that has come before it. It’s supposed to be a move of God like nothing the church has ever seen before, but for that to happen we have to ready ourselves.
Us being blessed and us being a blessing are intertwined, they cannot be separate. We are supposed to be the light and the solution....
We need to be sure we are applying the principles of God, not the principles of the world. The structure of the church is...
We are expecting God’s move in a supernatural and mind-boggling way. And before I give you two prophecies for the body of Christ for...