This is what the Lord is saying to the church right now: “the acceleration of the manifestation of the harvest season for the body of Christ [is here].”... So believe and trust Him, and take your post. This is the time that we will be harvest all the good seeds that we have planted and it is the intent of God to really bless His people... We are commanded in the Bible that we need to pray for all of our political leaders… He didn’t say attack them or defend them. He says pray for all those that are in authority, and we need to obey and follow that instruction. Don’t focus on the negative, especially in 2019. Focus on the goodness of our God. Focus on the plan of God, and also the vision and the plan He released for 2019 and you need to receive those prophecies by faith and you need to follow the instruction to the letter. You and I need to be informed. Again, you can listen to last week’s broadcast, the first instalment of the prophecy to the church and nations… and we will continue to share the prophecies released, even today.
The Holy Spirit empowers us to be one with Christ Jesus and to walk in the supernatural with Him.
The only way the wicked will get dealt with is if the Body of Christ reaches full maturity and produces righteous fruit. We need...
Our unifying force is Christ Jesus and our language is love. As we follow what God is telling us, we are walking in the...