This year, you and I, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, we will be amazed at the demonstration of the power of God and the love of God towards His people (and that is you and I)... from the book of Genesis all the way to the book of Revelation, the plan of God towards His people is unfolding right before our very eyes. You know, I do understand that Jesus loves me, but how deep and how great is that love? I am still discovering who He is, His attributes, His plan, and His love. It is so exciting! Always focus on Him. I look back at my life… I would not have ever even imagined where God led me now, where God took me. I had simple desires… (+more prophecy)
It is time for the Body of Christ to govern and call those things as though they were. We must unite and pray for...
Every place Jesus went, and everything He did was ordained by God. We need to do the same in our own life. Lay aside...
Expect your miracle from the Lord. God has heard our prayers and the turning around of our country is here and now. Continue to...