We are expecting God’s move in a supernatural and mind-boggling way. And before I give you two prophecies for the body of Christ for 2019 and beyond, I want to emphasize the timing of the Lord and the ways of the Lord in these last days, this year 2019 and beyond. Several weeks ago, I shared with you the vision that God gave me for 2019, what He’s planning on doing for 2019 and beyond. The ways of the world, there’s a system. You can call it “Deep State”, you can call it “babylonian system” that has been planted in Washington, D.C. and has taken a deep root that goes to the center of the Earth, and several roots in all the continents of the world are feeding off this root.
Christmas is a testament to God's great love for us. The most fulfilling thing we can do in life is learn how to give...
Pastor Cris releases powerful instructions and prayers. Remember to believe in the power of Jesus and His love, and follow the instructions He has...
Pastor Cris shares about her recent mission trip to the Philippines, being led by the Holy Spirit, and Speaking in Tongues.