We’re going to be talking about the life of David and how it applies to the time that we’re in right now. For the past several weeks at Freedom Fellowship, we’ve been talking about how God is setting up the church to be in a position to where we're going to subdue and overtake kingdoms in order to establish the kingdom of God. And when we refer to nation and kingdoms and establishing the kingdom of God in those nations and kingdoms, we don’t just mean into political nations but also referring to how God is sending people in the Body of Christ to the media industries, to the entertainment industries, to the technology industries etc. Those are also nations.
We have to make ourselves ready. If there are any lingering heart issues, we must resolve them now. Put aside your own desires and...
Focus on Him and obey His instructions, and you will have nothing to fear. If you do this, you will always being moving forward...
We must allow God to prune us. Though it doesn't feel good to the flesh, pruning creates life and fruitfulness. It allows us to...