These forty days are our wilderness, our time of preparation for things to come. The wilderness journey is not you not hearing from God, or not knowing where are you are headed, it is you on your way to the promise land, it is you being led by God and getting divine provision. In order to reach the promise land, you must go through the wilderness and leave all old things behind. We must enter God's way of doing things, and stop letting the world's system be our source, just as the Israelites had to leave Egypt and their old ways. Clinging to the old system will just prevent us from getting to the what God has for us.
As we continue our walk with the Lord, it's important to remember to let Him take the lead. With all the chaos in the...
You can call this root the babylonian system, the deep state, the illuminati, but really it will be all of those combined and then...
We believe that God’s people should be empowered, ok? It’s not enough for people to just sit and warm up pews. No, we’re not...