This is a season of many opportunities, a season of many open doors. Once these opportunities come, you must respond accordingly: you must follow the instruction, you must follow God's ways of doing things, in other words you need to be faithful because these opportunities will close. They are for a season, and this is the season of many opportunities. The Lord caused you and I, everyone in the Body of Christ, to be forced to confront the issues they are facing day to day that distract them from obeying God. It slows down the blessings. It may be a relationship, it may be family members, it may be a health issue, it may be financial or all of the above.
In Psalm 30:2 it say, “O LORD my God, I called to you for help and you healed me.” Psalm 103:3 “who forgives all...
The intensity of things will continue to increase, but if the Body of Christ unites and votes for righteousness, it will be for the...
The prophecy released at that time for 2016 and beyond is this: The United States of America will experience a political revival if the...