If we are to be kings, we need the mindset of one. Kings, first and foremost, are concerned about the wellbeing of the people. In the same way, we must see where God has placed us as our responsibility, and consider others and God's will in all that we do. The majority of your prayer time should not be about yourself, it should be about others. It should be about doing God's work. The purpose of the transfer of wealth and influence isn't so that we can be blessed, but so that we can be a blessing. Riches and joy come as a biproduct of obeying the Lord, they should never be our focus. So let us shift our focus and become kingdom minded!
We need to be zealous for God. His way of doing things are different than ours. As long as we follow what He has...
We must go out into every nation— This includes arts and entertainment, business and finance, and every industry. All the new things coming need...
God is sovereign, so we must treat Him and His ways as such, putting them above all else and treating them with respect. We...