God is sovereign, so we must treat Him and His ways as such, putting them above all else and treating them with respect. We must go to Him not only when we are in trouble, but also in times of prosperity. God is sovereign, so we should not question His choices or who He appoints. The five offices are here to prepare God's people for the works of service. Each of our jobs is the great commission, not just a select few. We must go out into the world and make disciples. We must focus on God's works, not putting anything or anyone else above Him; God is sovereign.
We always need to remind ourselves… often, that we are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus (2 Corinthians 5:21). Righteousness in Christ Jesus...
We know that Gideon was from the weakest clan in his region and was considered the lowest in all of his family but despite...
Each one of Job's friends had an explanation of what was happening to him, and they were all wrong. In light of the recent...