Episode 360: The Kingdom of God - Praying in the Holy Spirit

Episode 360 February 25, 2019 00:24:40
Episode 360: The Kingdom of God - Praying in the Holy Spirit
The Prophetic Voice of Our Time
Episode 360: The Kingdom of God - Praying in the Holy Spirit

Feb 25 2019 | 00:24:40


Show Notes

Do you know that our prayers and our ministry, and I mean the ministry of the body of Christ, Jesus Christ literally put us in charge in the Earth? The Bible says that He is seated at the right hand of God making intercession for us, and He is seated. The LORD said to my Lord, sit down at My right hand until I make Your enemies into Your footstool. That's in the book of Psalms, chapter 110, right at the beginning at verse 1. If you read that, it's an amazing scripture that really paints a picture of what we, the body of Christ, have to do.

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