Our instruction for the past several weeks now is a prophetic instruction from the Holy Spirit because of the season that we’re in: if you are serving, serve like you’ve never served before. If you are part of those who are generous, sow like you’ve never sown before. When you pray, pray continuously and do not stop praising God. Praise like you’ve never praised before. You need to be really active; God is on the move all over the world. First of all, we have to be persistent with God. Sometimes when we seek God, He does not answer right away the way we understand it but keep in mind that He’s faithful, merciful, and He loves you, and He’s never late. He’s always on time. He is always active behind the scenes. He is working. He’s not going to talk to you sometimes; He’s waiting for you to seek Him out and to be persistent about it.
Luke 18:35-43
Mark 10:46
The year of 2019 is a year of God uprooting wickedness, status quo, man made doctrines in the church, and in our government, and...
You know, God Himself describes king David as a man after His own heart not because David was perfect. Not because Daivd did everything...
God builds our faith, and the story of Gideon compared with the Battle of Thermopylae.