Episode 365: Uproot The False Narratives in Your Life Part 1

Episode 365 April 01, 2019 00:26:00
Episode 365: Uproot The False Narratives in Your Life Part 1
The Prophetic Voice of Our Time
Episode 365: Uproot The False Narratives in Your Life Part 1

Apr 01 2019 | 00:26:00


Show Notes

I will continue with my teaching concerning false narratives reformed over the course of years. One of the purposes of prophecy, or the office of a prophet is in Jeremiah 1:10, “To destroy and to tear down, to uproot, to overthrow, and then to build and to plant.” So my mission for this teaching is to uproot and tear down those false narratives so that you can hear from God, so that your foundation is Jesus Christ front and center. Many Christians without knowing or realizing it have formed a false narrative in their own minds...

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