“‘Within twelve months’ saith the Lord, ‘your wealth will at a minimum double up if you believe and follow My instruction I gave you’ saith the Lord, ‘and apply My ways of doing things.’ That twelfth month is here now. That is why I am holding this prophetic conference this coming Saturday, May 25, before I go to the Philippines and then after the Philippines it’s Kenya, Africa. We are transitioning from good to God’s best so don’t miss this important event. You can register at SOGMI.org and click ‘event’.”
With special guest speaker Joshua Sosso. A void in every sector of society is growing and is waiting to be filled by the kingdom...
In this episode Pastor Josh talks about people from history whose obedience and pursuit of God shifted the world and the church. In the...
Each one of Job's friends had an explanation of what was happening to him, and they were all wrong. In light of the recent...