If you are one those that is laden with guilt… count it all joy and get excited [about] what I’m going to share with you. Restoration is here and now. Don’t wallow in self-condemnation and guilt. Stop beating yourself up, because God is not focusing on your past or your mistakes. He focussed on the new man in you, and your calling and your destiny, your future in Him... As long as you repented from those sins and make the necessary correction, as long as you uprooted and went back to God, when you did take responsibility for your sins or for your mistakes God has already forgiven about that.
In this episode, Pastor Cristina discusses a vision she had about this country as well as what we should come to expect in this...
Revelation 11:15 Then the seventh angel sounded: And there were loud voices in heaven, saying, “The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms...
We in the Body of Christ have put too much of our trust in man. It is true that God used President Trump to...