Psalms 110:1 says “The Lord said to my lord, ‘Sit at My right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet.’” … What’s happening here is that Father God is speaking to the Son of God, Jesus, and He’s saying “You’re gonna sit at My right hand until your enemies are a footstool for your feet.” So what does that mean? It means that Jesus Christ cannot return, he will remain at the right hand of the Father until the body of Christ is ruling and reigning here on the Earth.
Jesus is our Passover Lamb. Do you know that we are commanded to celebrate three feasts in the Bible? It says it is a...
We need to take on our identity in Christ. Remember that He knows you better than even you know yourself, because sometimes we, ourselves,...
Today's message continues in the line of the preisthood of Melchizedek; operating in the new covenant vs the old covenant.