Jesus (also) took female disciples, and in doing so he was explicitly saying ‘these women can reach the same status that I have’, okay? So this is one example. There are many examples throughout the scriptures where women transcend the expected cultural norm, even the norms that were explicitly stated by the law, okay? And remember, we’re not living under the law anymore. We’re living under grace through Christ Jesus… so let’s read through the scripture...
The promised land was full of people that did not believe in God, people that practiced witchcraft and detestable things. However, as the promise...
The harvest fields are ripe and ready for a move of God, which means it's time for the Body of Christ to rise up....
We must seize every opportunity for the goodness of God. Often our opportunities are concealed as chaos, upheavals, injustices, wickedness, challenges, and problems. As...