The leading of the spirit is what separates us from other people, and those that answer the call must be led by Him in all things. We must surrender our will, ambitions and desires to Him— remember, His ways are always higher than our own. Unless we are willing to surrender everything to Him, we are limiting what God can do in our lives. When we get into our own ways or opinions we get into our flesh and may unknowingly be opposing the move of God. Let us fully surrender to Him and step into the will of God.
The month of September is going to be a month of power. It is time for us to walk in the supernatural. Let us...
The condition of the country reflects the condition of the church, so ask yourself, "where do you stand and what must you do to...
2016 is a new year with a clean slate! Hear the prophecy to the Church. For His glory, our benefit, and the benefit of...