In this season especially the Body of Christ needs to be alert; we cannot take for granted the season we are in. Amongst the chaos of the world God will continue to move. We have been called to be a light, but we cannot be a light to the world until we have been made holy before the Lord. There is a consecration and holiness that needs to precede entering into the promise land. It must be a continual walk of God's ways of doings things. Unless we walk our faith individually, we cannot be leaders. When people encounter us, they should be encountering God in us. Let us not take a single day for granted.
Listen to God's commands and the Lord will work out the rest. If He has called you to a position, He will establish you....
Pastor Cris shares on the importance of Passover as part of our redemption story through our Lord Jesus Christ. Part of this episode is...
While we are in this world, we are like Jesus.