We must consecrate ourselves before we can enter into the land God has promised us. Just like the Israelites, we must be made ready and Holy before we can enter in to what God has for us. We are not entitled to what God has promised, and if we do not obey Him, just like the Israelites had to wait for a new generation, God will wait as well. So let us let God be the complete Lord of our lives. Let us treat Him as Holy by believing Him and obeying what He tells us to do. Let us not delay or cause others to stray with our actions or unbelief. Let us choose today to be Holy before the Lord.
“There are so many prophecies... taking place right now… Many many issues, global issues [challenges], have been here... for many many years, but now...
There’s a cultural and economic shift happening right now all over the world. If we obey God, we can be at the forefront of...
“It says in the book of Revelation that ‘the kingdom of this world has now become the kingdom of our Lord and Christ.’ So...