We must continue to focus on the promises of God and where He is leading us. It is our responsibility as Christians to be the light to the world. This means we should be a transformative force wherever we go; when light comes, darkness has to scatter. The light never has to concern itself with darkness, so let us stop complaining about the wicked and see things in our culture through the promise of God. Let us be like the two spies, Joshua and Caleb, that brought back a good report; let us believe God and act accordingly.
I asked the Lord to give me the message for that Sunday, which is last Sunday, and what He told me is we are...
This is a season of training and preparation for a great move of God. Let us make sure that we continue to put Him...
Find time to strengthen yourself through tongues. Find the time with God, and He will answer. The Holy Spirit always reveals the will of...