We cannot rely on personal prophecy alone, but we must obey the instructions given to us and put God front and center. When prophesying there is no making mistakes, you must be completely guided by the Holy Spirit. It is not about building up your ministry or your reputation, but it is for God's glory and the benefit of His people. Nameless and faceless people are being brought up during these times to be a part of this mighty move of God— people that cannot be swayed by man because they have their own resources and influence and are guided by the Holy Spirit. These people will continue to increase in number, and it's up to you whether you will be one of them or not.
What I am going to discuss today is the importance of personal prophecy and its relevance. It’s also important for us to be very...
Philippine Christmas missions stories, plus "The nativity scenes are restored in the White House. Praise You Lord! Why? Because you and I pressed forward...
Allow God to prepare our heart for influence, affluence, and the transformation of nations.