We must allow ourselves to be transformed by God and enter His rest. His rest is the result of the transformation of our hearts. His rest is a confidence rooted in a love relationship with Jesus. His rest must be possessed so that the promise can be occupied. Though the Israelites were no longer slaves, they continued looking forward as if they were. Their hearts were not changed, and they clung to old values, patterns, attitudes, and habits because of familiarity and convenience. They did not allow themselves to be transformed, but instead hardened their hearts and missed the promise given to them. We must be willing to be transformed and seek out God's rest so we can enter His promise.
We must focus on the Great Comission and being led by the Holy Spirit in all things. We cannot allow ourselves to mix in...
Continued from last week's broadcast.
Listen in as we hear Pastor Cristina share prophecy and instruction for this year. These are prophecies regarding this nation, this state, and the...